
Java Hashing

Java Hashing: "Every Java object has two very important methods i.e. hashCode() and an equals() method. These methods are designed to be overridden according to their specific general contract. This article describes why and how to override the hashCode() method that preserves the contract of HashCode.

Contract For HashCode The contract for hashCode says‘If two objects are equal, then calling hashCode() on..."

(Via Javalobby Front Page.)


The Problem With iPhone Killers…

The Problem With iPhone Killers…: "Here we are again. The hype leading up to a new mobile device is reaching a fever pitch. Motorola’s Droid sounds, looks, and by some accounts, is impressive. As such, everyone’s favorite superlative is being thrown out there once again: ‘iPhone killer.’ Of course, we’ve heard this before — maybe a dozen times. The BlackBerry Storm was the iPhone killer, the Palm Pre was the iPhone killer, the G2, etc. Not only does the iPhone still survive, it thrives. Why?"

(Via .)


Article:Modular Java: Static Modularity

Article:Modular Java: Static Modularity: "Modularity is an important aspect of large Java systems. Build scripts and projects are often split up into modules in order to improve the build, but this is rarely taken into account at runtime. This second part of the Modular Java series discusses static modularity, the creation of bundles, how to install them into an OSGi engine and how to set up (versioned) dependencies between bundles. By Alex Blewitt"

(Via InfoQ.)

My IT-blog » Dependency Injection with Google Guice by example

My IT-blog » Dependency Injection with Google Guice by example: "In this blogpost, I’ll explain Dependency Injection with Google Guice through a lot of examples. Hope you like it."

(Via My IT-blog.)

x86 Assembly for C Programmers 1 : endeavormac4

x86 Assembly for C Programmers 1 : endeavormac4: "Introduction
I’m writing a series of tutorials on x86 assembly for C programmers who are already familiar with many of the basics of programming and computing. The assembly tutorials available online just aren’t doing it for me, and I need something organized the way I think, on the topics I’m interested in, presented in a way which make comprehensive understanding easy. I’ll do the work, go find the answers, and then drop everything here for you to enjoy."

(Via endeavormac4.)


javamelody - Project Hosting on Google Code

javamelody -

Project Hosting on Google Code
: "The goal of JavaMelody is to monitor Java or Java EE applications servers in QA and production environments. It is not a tool to simulate requests from users, it is a tool to measure and calculate statistics on real operation of an application depending on the usage of the application by users.

JavaMelody is opensource (LGPL) and production ready: in production in an application of 25 person years. JavaMelody is easy to integrate in most applications and is lightweight (no profiling and no database)."


Refactoring SQL Applications - O'Reilly Media

Refactoring SQL Applications - O'Reilly Media: "Refactoring SQL Applications
ByStephane Faroult, Pascal L'Hermite
Publisher:O'Reilly Media
Released: August 2008
Pages: 304"

(Via .)


Reduce Linux power consumption, Part 2: General and governor-specific settings

Reduce Linux power consumption, Part 2: General and governor-specific settings: "This three-part series is your starting point for tuning your system for
power efficiency. In Part 2, follow a step-by-step guide on the general
settings of the Linux CPUfreq subsystem and get more details on the five
in-kernel governors -- performance, powersave, userspace, ondemand, and
conservative -- and their settings."

(Via developerWorks : Linux : Technical library.)

Learn Linux, 101: File and directory management

Learn Linux, 101: File and directory management: "You've probably heard that everything in Linux is a file,
so start on the right path with a solid grounding in file and directory
management -- finding, listing, moving, copying, and archiving.
You can use this material in this article to study for the LPI 101
exam for Linux system administrator certification, or just to learn for fun."

(Via developerWorks : Linux : Technical library.)

Reduce Linux power consumption, Part 3: Tuning results

Reduce Linux power consumption, Part 3: Tuning results: "This three-part series is your starting point for tuning your system for
power efficiency. In Part 3, the author compares the performance of the five
in-kernel governors in both tuned and untuned states to show you how to
optimize a Linux-based System x server."

(Via developerWorks : Linux : Technical library.)

Learn Linux, 101: Streams, pipes, and redirects

Learn Linux, 101: Streams, pipes, and redirects: "If you think streams and pipes make a Linux expert sound like a
plumber, here's your chance to learn about them and how to redirect and split
them. You even learn how to turn a stream into command arguments. You can
use this material in this article to study for the LPI 101 exam for
Linux system administrator certification, or just to learn for

(Via developerWorks : Linux : Technical library.)

Comment lines by Scott Johnson: Loading Java resource bundles via HTTP

Comment lines by Scott Johnson: Loading Java resource bundles via HTTP: "Learn how to load a Java resource bundle that resides in a different Web
application. Before Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) 6, support for
accomplishing this was not part of the JDK. But with the addition of the
ResourceBundle.Control class in Java SE 6, loading a 'remote' resource bundle became possible by simply extending the Control class and adding some custom code."

(Via developerWorks : Java technology : Technical library.)

Comment lines by Kevin Sutter: An update on Java Persistence API 2.0

Comment lines by Kevin Sutter: An update on Java Persistence API 2.0: "As the JPA Expert Group (JSR-317) nears completion of the JPA 2.0
specification, this article introduces you to some of the new concepts and features in this updated specification. It also explains how you can experience this new functionality with the Apache OpenJPA project, an open-source, robust, high performance, scalable implementation of the JPA specification."

(Via developerWorks : Java technology : Technical library.)

Dynamic, typesafe queries in JPA 2.0

Dynamic, typesafe queries in JPA 2.0: "A query for persistent Java objects is typesafe if a compiler can verify it for syntactic correctness. Version 2.0 of the Java Persistence API (JPA) introduces the Criteria API, which brings the power of typesafe queries to Java applications for the first time and provides a mechanism for constructing queries dynamically at run time. This article describes how to write dynamic, typesafe queries using the Criteria API and the closely associated Metamodel API."

(Via developerWorks : Java technology : Technical library.)


Presentation:The Agile PMO: Real Time Governance

Presentation:The Agile PMO: Real Time Governance: "The PMO needs to be aware of how well each project is performing at any given time. Agile practices give transparency, with clear reporting of what’s done, its cost, and how well constructed it is.

Learn how you can create a real-time governance capability that anticipates challenges, makes timely course corrections, and seizes opportunities to maximize the business impact of IT investments. By Ross Pettit and Jane Robarts"

(Via InfoQ.)


More precise BASH debugging

More precise BASH debugging: "
$ env PS4=' ${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}(${FUNCNAME[0]}) ' sh -x /etc/profile

by David Winterbottom (codeinthehole.com) (Via Command-Line-Fu.)


memcached and Grails, Part 2: Integrating memcached into Grails

memcached and Grails, Part 2: Integrating memcached into Grails: "James Goodwill completes his two-part introduction to integrating
memcached and Grails with a sample Grails application and a Java-based memcached
client. Learn how to integrate Spymemcached into your Grails-built, contact-management
application, then try caching individual request results with memcached. You'll also
use the memcached client commands introduced in Part 1 to test the effectiveness of your new cache."

(Via developerWorks : Java technology : Technical library.)


Multithreading and the Java Memory Model

Multithreading and the Java Memory Model: "At the New England Software Symposium, I attended Brian Goetzs session
called 'The Java Memory Model'. When I saw the phrase 'memory model' in
the title I thought it would be about garbage collection, memory
allocation and memory types. Instead, it is really about
multithreading. The difference is that this presentation focuses on visibility, not locking or atomicity. This is..."

(Via Javalobby Front Page.)


Why bugs don’t get fixed

notes and rants : Why bugs don’t get fixed: "I’ve run into more and more people lately who are astounded that software ships with known bugs. I’m frightened that many of these people are software testers and should know better. First, read this ‘old’ (but good) article from Eric Sink. I doubt I have much to add, but I’ll try."

(Via notes and rants.)

Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: "Now web designers and developers can join the iPhone app party without having to learn Cocoa's Objective-C programming language. It's true: You can write iPhone apps quickly and efficiently using your existing skills with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This book shows you how with lots of detailed examples, step-by-step instructions, and hands-on exercises.

  • Learn how to build iPhone apps with standard web tools

  • Refactor a traditional website into an iPhone web app

  • Hook into advanced iPhone features (e.g. accelerometer, geolocation, vibration, and sound) with JavaScript

  • Do most of your development with the operating system of your choice


Cost of Testing

Cost of Testing: "A lot of people have been asking me lately,
what is the cost of testing, so I decided, that I will try to measure
it, to dispel  the myth that testing takes twice as long. James Sugrue"

(Via Javalobby Front Page.)

Presentation:Whats New and Exciting in JPA 2.0

Presentation:What's New and Exciting in JPA 2.0: "Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0, introduced with Java EE 6, adds in and specifies fully many things which were missing in JPA 1.0. This presentation discusses several features of JPA 2.0 such as advanced locking, enhanced query language, a shared cache API, expression/criteria API, property standardization, more flexible object modeling and more advanced O/R mapping support. By Mike Keith"

(Via InfoQ.)

Opensource ActionScript Debugger - De Monster

Opensource ActionScript Debugger - De Monster: "InfoQ reported a Flash and AIR debugger Arthropod earlier this year. De MonsterDebugger is another debugger launched this year for Flash, Flex and AIR application development. By Moxie Zhang"

(Via InfoQ.)